15 Things Couples Wish They Knew Before Their Weddings (Part I)

According to a report from Dana Rebecca Designs jewelry company, which surveyed 2,000 people who married after 2010, 76% of brides and grooms would do things differently if they could go back and get married all over again. Check out this list, though, and you might be able to sidestep some of the biggest regrets couples confront once the honeymoon is over. Read on for seven things couples wish they knew before their weddings (and come back in two weeks to find out what the other eight are in Part II!)

  1. Don’t expect to recoup your money. Remember that even if you pay for an expensive meal, a lavish venue, and tons of extras, your guests will (and should) only give you as much as they can afford. You shouldn’t assume each guest will cover the cost of his or her plate (let alone the cost of your dress, décor, and honeymoon). In fact, some guests may not give you anything at all. Make peace with this now so it doesn’t disappoint you (or send you deep into debt) later. And remember that if you plan a destination wedding, you’re likely to receive even less per guest, as guests often factor in the cost of travel and lodging into how expensive of a gift they can afford.
  2. Don’t drink too much. The combination of frazzled nerves and little time to eat can set you up to overdo it on the alcohol. Drinking too much will make the day fly by even faster, prevent you from remembering key moments, and could even lead you to behave in a way you never would otherwise. Stick to one glass of wine and one glass of champagne to ensure you stay sober enough to enjoy the day to the fullest.
  3. Hire a videographer! You may think that the photos will be sufficient. And, yes, you might not even watch it very often afterward. But your kids and your grandkids will love seeing these treasured moments that they probably weren’t a part of. And you’ll be surprised and delighted to see moments from your big day you wouldn’t have otherwise gotten to witness. The importance of hiring a videographer is one of the top things couples wish they knew before their weddings. In fact, Brides magazine reports that 35% of couples wish they’d hired a videographer.  So, if you can afford it, you should definitely invest in one!
  4. You don’t need two dresses! Seriously, you don’t! the wedding will go by soooo fast—and the ceremony is only a brief part of the entire day. So rock that wedding dress for the whole day, and don’t stress out about getting changed after the ceremony and missing out on a precious few minutes of the experience.
  5. Take photos first! Again, the day will really fly by, so consider taking as many photos as you can before the festivities officially kick off. This way, you can actually enjoy your cocktail hour–spending time mingling with guests and tasting the delicious food you so painstakingly picked out–rather than spend the time for pics. Your photographer can still capture those “first look” pics before you walk down the aisle.
  6. Be flexible! Figure out ahead of time what’s most important to you. The location and the food often have the ability to make the biggest impact on a wedding (for better or worse), so if you’re planning to splurge on the perfect venue, then be ready to scrimp in other areas: think less expensive wedding bands, more affordable shoes, fewer desserts (when everyone is full of apps and the main course and has been dancing and drinking for hours, they may not even notice that there is a dessert table), and in-season flowers, all of which can help bring down your total budget.
  7. It really is just one day. This is the beginning of your marriage, and there will be many more important decisions to be made in the months and years ahead. So, don’t sweat the small stuff! And don’t blow your entire savings account either—you’ll undoubtedly need funds at some point, whether it’s to purchase a new home, feed, clothe, and care for any children you might have, address unforeseen expenses, or create a nest egg for retirement. Don’t feel compelled to blow it all now on one day. And if something goes wrong—big or small—on your wedding day, try to remember that you just married the love of your life, and you have many, many more happy days ahead. Cheers!

Now that you know some of the biggest things that couples wish they knew before their weddings, are you feeling ready to start planning your big day? It all begins with the perfect venue, so contact North Shore House now to set up a tour! And stay tuned for our next post, where we’ll cover eight more things couples wish they knew before their weddings!